Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pine Needle Tea

We've been battling whooping cough at our house. Not fun at all!!! But we did make one discovery that I just have to share -- pine needle tea!

This is amazing stuff. Made by steeping freshly collected pine needles from any true pine tree (do NOT use Ponderosa Pine needles as it can cause an abortion) in boiling water, it tastes a little like peppermint tea. But, more than just a flavorful hot drink, it is a powerful medicinal herb. It contains 4-5x as much vitamin C as fresh-squeezed orange juice and a lot of vitamin A as well. It works as a powerful decongestant and expectorant. Add a natural sweetener, like honey or agave nectar, and your kids will love it!

This video gives some helpful, step-by-step instructions:

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